“Social Media doesn’t work for us”
“Our clients aren’t on Facebook”
These things I hear time and time again. But guess what? It does. And they are! Social media platforms are yet another piece of the Digital Marketing puzzle. You’ve just got to learn the right moves to make.
Here’s our 5 top tips for making Facebook work for your business.
1. Go Native
Don’t make adverts LOOK like adverts (and we’re not just talking paid stuff here). Your customers want social stuff to remain as exactly that – social. They don’t want adverts and sales messages interrupting their feed. It hacks them off and makes them ‘unlike’ you – literally!
Your content needs to sit naturally amongst their existing news-feed. You know, like a friend could have posted them. Think quick snaps on a smartphone, REAL people. Stay human. Break down those barriers with rough and ready content that fits in with their lifestyle.

2. Silence ISN’T Golden
I can’t stress this enough – post regularly! Once a day as a guideline, maybe twice if you have enough quality content. You need to keep that feed populated. Think how many times a day you scroll down Facebook - if your consumers are doing the same (which they are, btw) then you need to ensure you’re there regularly! It’s harder than ever to get onto that organic feed now, so you really need to be consistent if you hope to make the cut.
3. It’s Not All About YOU!
It’s so easy to get hung up on how YOUR engagement rates are going, you can forget to return the favour to other businesses around you. It’s just as important to build connections and know what your customers, suppliers and even competitors are up to. It’s how you stay relevant.
In the game.
It’s easy – you’ll need to jump onto a desktop though. Then, just go onto their page, go to the three little dots next to ‘Share’ (underneath their cover photo!) then hover down to ‘Like as Page’ - they need it as much as you do and what goes around often comes around. Make the first move and you could go on to build some real relationships.

4. Realise That People Are Lazy
Another real pet peeve here... Make SURE you populate the 'About' and 'Services' section of your business pages! Don’t just drop a link in and hope people will visit your website for more info. They won’t, they’re lazy. I’m afraid you are going to need to repeat yourself.
The About section is a great place to tell your story (remember what we said about staying human?) Start to lay those first few building blocks and in-still trust. Let them know why you’re good. And then use the services section to list how you can help solve their problems, what do you offer, what’s on your menu?
5. Toot Your Own Trumpet
There’s nothing quite like a testimonial. A bit of a pat on the back. But it’s all well and good having a website full of quotes if no-one believes they're real.
With Facebook reviews, you can SEE the person who’s left the review. No ‘anonymous’ or ‘Mrs Smiths’ – each review is assigned to the exact Facebook profile who left it. It adds that human element we keep banging on about.
Need help making your adverts look a little less ‘adverty’? Need a strategy for gathering testimonials or sourcing fresh content? We can help with all of that. Just drop us a line at hello@advennturedesign.com